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About this mod

Chocolate Elves (based on Corean Race)

Permissions and credits

NAME: Chocolate Elves
LAST UPDATE: September 11th, 2008

REQUIREMENTS: Corean Race v1.8 (FULL)
HG EyeCandy Body replacer
TeamFF Fantasy Figures Base

DESCRIPTION: This mod will add a new playable race named "Chocolate Elf". Basically they have identical stats to the vanilla Dark Elves (dunmer), with a retextured body and a different head mesh. This mod requires Corean Race v1.8 in order to to work properly. This mod is compatible with the following body mods: Vanilla, Exnem Eyecandy, HGEC, TFF, Robert's Female Body Replacer mod Alpha v1 and Robert's Male Body Replacer mod v4. However I recommend using HGEC and Robert's Male Body Mod v4, since I have put the most time and effort in those two.

BLUEISH/GREENISH FACE ISSUE: Hopefully this is fixed with v1.4 update. The default FaceGen texture sliders were changed to prevent this from happening; however it will also affect your old savefiles as well - resulting the previous characters to show up much darker. You can rollback to the ESP file from v1.3 since there were no other changes made in it.

v1.4 (2008/9/11)
- Changed the race default FaceGen skin tint sliders to prevent the blueish face issue. Note that this will, however, affect your old savefiles and will make your previous characters' skin tone darker.
- Added support for Robert's Female Body Replacer mod.
- Uploaded in OMOD format for automatic installation. Includes all body mods / additional options.

v1.3 (2008/7/13)
- Additional Lo-Res package uploaded.

v1.3 (2008/7/12)
- Updated readme file to inform TFF support. No other changes made.

- Added male support based on Robert's Male Body Replacer mod v4.
- ESP file has been simplified. Now the ESP will only add Chocolate Elves without Coreans.
- Texture file path has changed a bit. (You don't have to worry about this, unless you plan to modify this mod)

- Added voiceset for Chocolate Elves and Coreans. (I have obtained this from a Japanese website but the credit wasn't there, so I failed to contact the original author of this voiceset. If you do know who it is, please let me know)
- Added various eye colors for Chocolate Elves.
- Replaced the orange-ish Red eye texture with a pure Red one.
- Changed RaceID of both ESP files to ChocolateElf. In case you were using the Corean Integrated version, you may need to create a new savefile because of the RaceID change.

- Created two ESP files for easier installation / use.
- Renamed head mesh to prevent ghostly-floating eyes/mouth. (This happens when you did not install the Corean race mod properly)

- Initial release.


*NOTE FOR THOSE ASKING FOR THE CHARACTER'S EARS: The ears are actually accessories that take the amulet slot. It was included in a private race mod made by Ren (the author of Ren's Beauty Pack). That file was NOT to be leaked due to copyright issues, but somehow it accidentally did; the incident, unfortunately, made Ren leave Oblivion modding forever. I respect her and feel sorry that such thing happened to her, thus I cannot and will not redistribute the mod under any circumstances.

*NOTE FOR THOSE ASKING FOR VOID ARMOR: This private mod created by Hentai (aka RadioFree, TESNexus ID zotman12) has finally been released publicly. Grab Hentai's newest mod,
Hentai Mania, to obtain the armor (the name has changed from VOID to FADE for some reason, but it's there).